
Skin Cancer Screening

Dermatologists located in Bluefield, Radford and Wytheville, VA and Beckley, Princeton and Oak Hill, WV

Skin Cancer Screening

Regular skin cancer screenings remain one of the most effective ways to prevent skin cancer. With a team of experienced dermatologists, Derm One performs comprehensive skin checks at their offices in Bluefield, Radford, and Wytheville, Virginia, and Beckley, Princeton, and Oak Hills, West Virginia. Call your nearest office today or schedule an appointment online to book your skin cancer screening.

Skin Cancer Screening Q & A

What is skin cancer screening?

A skin cancer screening is a comprehensive assessment that looks for abnormal moles, lesions, and growths. If your dermatologist detects an abnormality, they can collect a sample and test it through a biopsy to determine whether you have signs of skin cancer. These screenings are essential to catch skin cancer early when it’s still treatable.

Why is getting a skin cancer screening important?

Skin cancer is one of the most common, treatable types of cancer when caught early. Once it spreads to other areas, it can be challenging to treat. Getting a skin cancer screening is vital because it allows for the early detection of any suspicious moles, lesions, or skin changes. 

Early detection increases the chances of successful treatment and minimizes the risk of the cancer spreading to other parts of the body. Regular screenings can help ensure prompt intervention and improved outcomes in cases of skin cancer.

What can I expect from a skin cancer screening?

A skin cancer screening only takes about 10-15 minutes, but it may take longer if you have suspicious lesions. The process typically includes:

Visual exam

Your dermatologist visually inspects your skin from head to toe, looking for any unusual moles, lesions, or skin changes.


In some cases, your dermatologist may use a dermoscope, a handheld device, to get a closer look at suspicious areas.

Biopsy (if needed)

If your dermatologist identifies a concerning spot, they may recommend a biopsy to determine if it is cancerous. This process involves taking a small sample of the lesion and testing it in a lab.

Skin care education

Your dermatologist can provide guidance on self-examination and sun protection to help prevent skin cancer.

How can I protect myself after a skin cancer screening?

Caring for your skin after your next screening is crucial to prevent skin cancer. Tips include:

  • Wear sun protection (wide-brimmed hats, long sleeves, etc.)
  • Apply SPF 50+ sunscreen regularly
  • Conduct self-exams
  • Schedule follow-up appointments
  • Seek shade when possible
  • Avoid tanning beds
  • Stay hydrated
  • Follow a healthy, balanced diet
  • Quit smoking

Derm One typically recommends scheduling a skin cancer screening at least once a year to protect yourself. Call Derm One today or schedule an appointment online to learn more.